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Torta Sacher
Ingredients :


150g fondant chocolate,
150g butter,
150g sugar,
5 eggs,
150g flour,
apricot jam.

For the glaze:
75g sugar,
1 cup of water,
100g rich chocolate bar.


Method :


Melt the chocolate in a glass bowl as it sits in a pan of boiling water. Work the butter and half the sugar together into a creamy consistency. During the process add bit by bit the chocolate and egg yolk. Whisk the egg white into a stiff cream and fold in the remaining sugar. Take half of the above chocolate mixture and whisk it with the egg white cream. Add carefully the flour and the rest of the chocolate mixture. Grease with butter an oven baking pan and cook at 180°c for around an hour. When done, let it cool. Slice in half to insert the apricot jam in the middle. Boil two spoons of jam with a little water and spread on one half of the cake. Now make the glaze by dissolving the sugar in boiling water. Melt the chocolate bar and mix in well. Allow the glaze mixture to cool slightly then spread quickly on top of the cake.

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