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Sweetheart Layer Bars Recipe

1 cup Milk Chocolates
14 oz can sweetened condensed Milk (not evaporated)
1 1/2 cup unsalted thin Pretzels (fine crushed) or Pretzel Sticks
1 cup Butter or Margarine (divided)
3/4 cup Cocoa
2 cup sweetened Coconut Flakes (tinted)


Method :


* Pour 3/4 cup butter in a baking pan and place it in a preheated oven at 350째f till butter is melted.
* Take it out of the oven.
* Stir in crushed pretzels and press evenly into bottom of pan.
* Drizzle chocolates over pretzel layer.
* Put sweetened and condensed milk, cocoa and remaining 1/4 cup butter in microwave bowl.
* Until mixture is melted and smooth when stirred microwave it at high; it will take around 1 to 1-1/2 minutes.
* Carefully pour over pretzel layer in pan.
* Top with coconut; firmly press down onto chocolate layer.
* Bake it in oven at 350째f till it is lightly browned around edges it will take about 25-30 minutes.
* Let it cool completely in the pan.
* reduce into heart shaped pieces or cut into bars.

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