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Sweet Paniyaram


Whole wheat - 1 cup
Brown sugar - 1/4cup
Cardamom - 2 pods


Method :


Soak the whole wheat for about an hour and grind them without adding water along with brown sugar for about 20 - 25 minutes in a mixer grind

Then take the dough like chappathi flour , and make small balls out of them and then flatten them out using your palm

Heat dosa tawa on stove and place these adhirasam on them and in low heat cook them for 20 - 25 minutes until golden brown and cooked well.

Follow the same exact recipe as above, then add 1/4 cup of water and take the paniyaram pan and pour 1/4 tsp oil in each one of them keep the flame in simmer and pour in the dough turn both sides, to get a golden brown color , cook them for about 12 - 15 minutes.

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