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Stir-Fried Cucumbers And Beef
Ingredients :


* 4 sm Cucumbers
* 5 1/4 oz Lean beef
* 1 t Salt
* 1 tb Salad oil

Mixture A :
* 1/4 ts Crushed garlic
* Salt and pepper

Mixture B :
* 1 tb Finely chopped green onion
* 1 t Roasted sesame seeds
* 1 t Sesame oil
* 1/2 ts Soy sauce
* 1/2 ts Ground chili pepper
* 1/4 ts Salt

Garnish :
* Chili pepper -- shredded


Method :


Cut off both ends of cucumbers and slice thinly. In a bowl place the cucumbers and sprinkle with 1 teaspoon salt; let stand 5-10 minutes. When cucumbers are flexible, wrap in a cloth or paper towel and squeeze out water. Cut beef into julienne strips.
Heat salad oil. Quickly stir-fry beef over high heat and season with Mixture A. Add cucumber slices and stir-fry briefly. Season with Mixture B. Transfer to serving plate and garnish with shredded chili pepper.

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