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Rakott krumpli
Ingredients :


6 lg Potatoes
12 Eggs, Hard Boiled
4 oz Butter
16 oz Sour Cream
12 sl Bacon
4 oz Swiss Cheese, Grated
16 oz Sausage Or Franks, Sliced
1 ts Salt


Method :


Boil potatoes in their skin. Boil eggs. Peel potatoes
and eggs. In a pyrex baking dish layer the
ingredients: start with sliced potatoes on the bottom,
sprinkle grated butter on them, salt, sliced boiled
eggs, salt, sour cream, sliced sausage -or franks-,
repeat one more time. The last layer should be potato.
Cover the pie with grated cheese, than lay the bacon
slices on the cheese in a diagonally crossed way. Bake
the dish in the oven for 45-60 minutes at 400=F8F until
bacon is crisp on the top and cheese melted

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