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Rabbit Stew
Ingredients :


1.3 kg (3 lb.) Rabbit
15 ml (1 tbsp.) Salt
250 ml (1 c.) uncooked Carrot Cubes
250 ml (1 c.) uncooked Potato Cubes
1 large Onion, diced
dash of Pepper
1 stalk Celery, chopped
1.5 L (6 c.) Boiling Water
125 ml (1/2 c.) Cold Water
60 ml (1/4 c.) Flour


Method :


Wash and cut up rabbit. Place in heavy kettle with onion, celery, salt, and pepper. Add boiling water. Cover tightly and simmer for 2 hours. Add vegetables and continue simmering till vegetables are tender. Mix flour and cold water to paste, then thicken stew with this mixture.

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