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Octopus Casserole(Nakji Jeongol)
Ingredients :


2 octopus,
200g beef,
80g zucchini,
10 mushrooms,
50g carrot,
1 root of green onion

sauce for octopus :
2 tablespoons of chili paste,
3 tablespoons of chilipowder,
2 tablespoons of ground garlic,
2 tablespoons of ground green onion,
sesame salt,
sesame oil

sauce for beef :
2 tablespoons of soy sauce,
1 tablespoons of ground greenonion,
1 teaspoon of ground garlic,
sesame salt,
pepper powder,
sesame oil


Method :


1. Take the ink-well off the octopus. Scrub the salt onto the octopus to take out the silt. Wash off thoroughly and cut in 5cm lengths.
2. To make the sauce, mix chili paste, chili powder and soy sauce together with chopped green onion, garlic, sesame salt and sesame oil.
3. Marinate the octopus using part of the sauce(made in 2).
4. Cut the green pea jelly into think strips and mix with salt and sesame oil.
5. Put chopped green onion, garlic, sesame salt, sugar, pepper powder and sesame oil in soy sauce to make 'bulgogi' sauce.
6. Marinate the thinly sliced beef in the sauce made in 4.
7. Cut the zucchini in half and slice it.
8. Cut carrots and big green onions in 4cm lengths.
9. In a casserole pan, saute the beef from 5 and then boil in water.
10. When the beef is boiled, put in the vegetables and octopus. Season to taste.

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