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Ma'loobet el Bedingan
Ingredients :


* Vegetable oil
* 2 onions chopped
* 1 pound lamb or beef cubes
* salt and pepper
* 1 teaspoon cinnamon
* 1/2 teaspoon allspice
* 2 pounds eggplant, sliced into 1/3" thick slices
* 2 cups long grain rice
* 1/2 cup toasted pine nuts for garnish (optional)


Method :


In a large pan or skillet, fry the onions in 3 tablespoons of the oil over low heat, with the lid on, until softened and golden in color. Add the meat and brown it all over. Cover with water, add the salt, pepper, cinnamon, allspice and cook until tender, for about one hour. Be sure to add water as necessary to keep the meat covered.

While the meat is cooking, arrange the eggplant slices on a baking sheet, brushing both sides generously with oil and lightly seasoning with salt. Broil under a pre-heated broiler, turning once, until the slices are lightly browned on both sides..

Remove the pan with the meat from the heat and add a layer of eggplant slices on top. Pour half of the rice evenly over those layers, and season with salt. Add a second layer of eggplant slices, then cover with the remaining rice. Sprinkle with a little salt ( if desired) and add just enough water to cover the rice. Do Not Stir. Cover with a lid and bring to a boil, then simmer on the lowest possible heat for about 20 minutes or until the rice is tender. Add water if the casserole becomes too dry. Let rest, but keep warm for 20 minutes before serving.

To serve, place a large round platter on top of the pan and quickly turn it upside down, tapping the bottom of the pan, so that the mold comes out undisturbed. Garnish if desired with Pine Nuts

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