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Bengal Gram flour : 500 gms
Raw Rice flour: 2 tbsp
Sugar : 625 gms
Ghee : 1 tsp
Salt : A pinch
Cashewnuts: 100 gms
Raisins : 25 gms
Cardomoms : 10 Nos
Kalkandu(cubed sugar) : 25 gms


Method :


To Prepare boondh:

In a wide mouth mixing bowl, mix bengal gram flour, rice flour, a pinch of salt, ghee and with required amt of water, make a thick liquid to the consistency of dosa batter. Heat oil in a frying pan, holding the boondi plate (a plate with lot of holes), above the oil spread the batter so that very small pieces are dropped into the oil. Stir the boondis until fully cooked. Drain the excess oil.


To prepare Laddu :

Make sugar syrup by boiling 1:1 sugar and water for about 5 minutes. Add a pinch of kesari powder to this syrup. Drop the boondis into the sugar syrup and mix well. Roast cashewnuts and raisins in ghee and add it to the mix. Also add cardamoms and kalkandu and mix well. Wait until the mixture cools down to a temperature until your hand can with stand the heat. Now make into even balls by pressing lightly with hand. Spread and allow to cool.

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