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​Fish soup #1
Ingredients :


I sometimes make this delicious fish soup. It's especially warming on a cold winter's evening.
I adapted the recipe from one I found on a packaging for fish bouillon.
Serves 4.
4-5 ea. potatoes 1 ea. onion
2 tblsp. olive oil 1 ltr water
1 tblsp. fish bouillon 1 sprig thyme or basil
2 ea. garlic cloves, pressed 8-10 ea. sun-dried tomatoes
2 ea. carrots 1 tsp. lemon juice
400-500 g. white fish or 250 g. white fish and 250 g. shrimp, lobster and/or scallops
optional: broccoli, cauliflower, celery, chives, parsley


Method :


Dice the potatoes and onion and lightly fry in the oil (use a deep saucepan or soup pot). Add the water, fish bouillon, thyme, garlic and sliced sun-dried tomatoes*, and cook for approx. 10 minutes. Julienne the carrots and add to the soup. If you are using broccoli or cauliflower, slice broccoli stalks and cut cauliflower into small florets and add with the carrots. Cook for approx. 5 minutes. If using, julienne the celery and cut broccoli heads into florets and add. Adjust the taste with salt and pepper and cook for another 3-4 minutes. Cut the fish fillet(s) into strips (cut fillets across). Add fish and shellfish (if using) and cook until done - approx 5-7 minutes, depending on size and thickness. (If you are using scallops, let them cook for a maximum of 2 minutes only, as they will become as tough as old chewing gum if overcooked.) Add lemon juice. Pour into soup bowls and garnish with finely cut chives or small sprigs of parsley.
-serve with crusty bread and perhaps a fresh salad.
*If the tomatoes are dry, prepare as indicated on packaging - if they are in oil, drain before adding to the soup.

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