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Fig Squire
Ingredients :


* 250 grs of sugar ;
* 250 grs of dried figs ;
* 250 grs of husked almonds ;
* 125 grs of chocolate ;
* lemon peel scrapings to taste ;
* 250 grs of Malabar gourd reserve ;
* 10 egg yolks


Method :


The lining is made as explained in the «Almond Squire» recipe (1), except a little bit of chocolate is added.
Then boil the sugar for a few minutes until it forms a slightly thick, unbroken string when dripped from a spoon. Pour the sugar over the egg yolks.
Add the ground almonds and figs and the powdered chocolate and place on the flame once again to thicken.
When the mixture is already thick enough, take it off the stove and let it cool off.
Then place it in alternate layers with the Malabar gourde preserve and cover with the same mixture used to line the tin. Place in the oven to dry.
Decorate to taste.

(1) The lining is made as follows:

* 1 kg of almonds ;
* 800 grs of sugar ;
* 100 grs of glucose

Blend the ingredients and machine grind several times until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Stretch the mass on a marble table, sprinkle with icing sugar to make it fine and line the tin with it.

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