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Cooked Rice with Assorted Vegetables(Bibim bap)
Ingredients :


4 cups of rice,
100g of young zucchini,
100g of broad bellflower roots,
100g of bracken,
100g of green pea jelly,
100g of beef,
4 eggs,
4 pieces of sea tangle,
1 stem of crown daisy


Method :


1. Soak the young zucchini in salted water for a little while. Squeeze the water out and saute in a pan.
2. Take out the bitterness from the roots of broad bellflower roots by rubbing them with salt. Rip them into thin strips and season with salt, sugar, and chili powder.
3. Sort the bracken into the lengths of 4-5cm and wash them. Panbroil slightly after mixing well with seasoned soy sauce.
4. Cut the green pea jelly into think strips and mix with salt and sesame oil.
5. Cut beef into think strips and saute after mixing well with seasoned soy sauce.
6. Cook yolks and whites of the eggs separately like crepe. Cut into strips in 4-5cm length.
7. Cut sea tangle into 0.2 thickness and fry in oil.
8. Arrange the prepared ingredients nicely onto the freshly cooked rice.

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