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Boiled Cabbage Algarve Style
Ingredients :


* 600 grs of cabbage ;
* 320 grs of read or wax beans ;
* 150 grs of blood sausage (morcela) ;
* 150 grs of red sausage (chouriço vermelho) ;
* 150 grs of belly of pork (toucinho) - bacon is a good substitute ;
* 400 grs of rib of beef ;
* 150 grs of sweet potatoes ;
* 150 grs of potatoes ;
* 300 grs of bread ;
* 1/4 bunch of mint ;
* salt to taste ;
* water


Method :


Place the beans in a pan and soak them in cold water for 12 hours before using them.
Then wash them and cook them in a deep pan, in cold water, together with the sausages, belly of pork and rib of beef (in whole pieces).
After the meat is cooked, correct the seasonings.
Place the meat on a serving dish and let the beans continue to cook.
Wash the cabbage in cold water and cut in large pieces. Peel the potatoes, wash them in cold water and dice them in large chunks.
Add the cabbage and the potatoes to the beans.
When everything is well cooked, drain off the liquid to a pan.
Cut up the bread - preferentially the home-made type - into thin slices and distribute them over the plates. Place a sprig of mint on the bread on each plate.
Place the pan with the liquid on the stove and let it boil. Pour the boiling liquid over the bread.
Cut up them meat into small pieces and serve it with the boiled ingredients.

Hint: If available, use new beans. The use of home-made meat and sausages is advisable.

Serve 4

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