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Bengal Butt Kicker

15 pounds, Klages malt
2--3/4 pounds, Munich malt
1 pound, Amber crystal
1/4 pound, Chocolate malt
1 ounce, Northern Brewers hops 10%AA (60min)
1 ounce, Northern Brewers (15 min)
1/2 ounce, Cascades 5.9%AA (15min)
2 ounces, fresh fennel (15 min)
6 ounces, fresh orange peel (15 min)
1/2 teaspoon, Irish Moss(15 min)
1 cup, American Lager yeast slurry
10 Bengal Spice tea bags, "dry hopped"
3/4 cup, Corn sugar to prime




Upwards infusion mash, low-temp conversion. Used water with high carbonate hardness.


O.G.: 1.070
IBU: 35-40



So far, the young beer tastes great with an unusual taste that is difficult to describe. I hadn't seen mention of using fennel before, so I thought I'd mention it. The beer has a dark orange color.

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