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Autum Roast Duck
Ingredients & Method :


Peel core and slice 4 local LI Golden Delicious Apples .Save the slices
under water. Chop up 2 more apples, add the other apple debris in a
roast pan with chopped 1 onion, 2 carrots, 2 stalks celery, 3 cloves of
garlic crushed, 1/2 cup tomato puree, duck giblets. Dust with 1/2 cup
of flour.

Place a LI duck, 4-5 lb on this bed of floured mirepoix, and rub with
Mushroom Soy (if you have it.. ) Roast 425 F for about an hour, or
until duck is nice and brown, but UNDERDONE. Remove duck, and
as soon as you can handle it, split abd quarter the duck. Remove
wings, breast bones, backbones and any other duck bones or debris
you can find. Roast hard until duck bones and flour brown. Scrape the
contents of the roast pan to one side, and drain and save duck fat. Put
the roast pan on the stove top, and heat some reserved duck fat on a
clear spot. Add 1/2 cup sugar and let cook until light brown. With
great care (it may splatter very hot stuff) add 1/2 c red wine vinegar to
dissolve the caramel you have made.

This is a gastric. It is used to color and flavor
sweet and sour sauces. Now you have in the pan: a dark mirepoix with
apples, browned flour and duckfat (a brown roux)
a gastric, and the duck carcasses, all nice and roasted. Add a brown
stock or even a white one to cover the ingredients in the pan. Probably
2 -3 qts. Roast in the oven for 1 hour, or remove to a pot on the stove
and simmer for an hour. This makes the duck stock. Strain the duck
stock and defat it. Reduce to 1 pint or so. . Add 1 pint of fresh
pomegranite juice. Now you have a qt. Reduce it to a pint. It should be
med consistency with no fat free. You can use cornstarch and water to
thicken it to desired consistency, but boil it well if you add cornstarch.
Taste it. First bring up the salt level. Then taste for sour. Bring up the
sour level with reduced pomegranite juice and lemon juice, or make a
little gastric in a pan. It keeps. . Does it have a distinct taste of
pomegranite? If not reduce some pomegranite juice and add. If the
pomegranite and sour taste are ok, then use some currant jelly to
sweeten it, or use a sweet red wine like malaga. The sauce should be
the same color as the roasted duck, and taste stongly of duck,
pomegranite, sweet and sour. . Now place the duck quarters in a 400
oven to heat and crisp. This will finish the cooking, which is why you
wanted to keep them underdone. (I like the breasts rosy, so for myself,
I put the legs in and 5 min later the breasts. While the duck is heating,
Saute the drained apple slices in clear duck fat. The fat should almost
smoke before adding the apples and don't add too many. We are
looking for color. When we see the first signs of color, sprinkle lightly
with sugar, and as soon as the sugar begins to caramelize, add a spritz
of pomegranite juice to make the apples glace. Glace =iced, like glazed
Make a ring of glace apples around the outside of the serving dish.
Put a pool of the hot sauce sweet and sour pomegranite duck sauce in
the center well. .

Take the hot duck from the oven..It 's skin is sizzling, so blot away any
fat with a clean towel. Place it on the sauce. Put a stripe of the sauce
over the ducks. Sprinkle with fresh pomegranite seeds. Serve additional
sauce in a gravy boat.
Serves two. Takes about 2-3 hours work, but not much more time to
do a few more ducks.
Flame the duck, not me. Heat brandy in a small copper saute pan over
a rechaud at the table.
tilt pan as brandy begins to boil, so that fumes light the brandy in the
pan. Pouf! then pour over individual servings.

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